“Most people do not realize that, for those suffering with chronic dry eye, typical eye drops are only a temporary fix,” said ChronicDryEye.net patient advocate Erica Osborne. “The relief I get from those is short-lived, lasting for just a few minutes. This condition requires constant upkeep and is life-altering.”
A third of respondents said others misperceive their dry eye as being just the result of allergies. However, some of the most common risk factors respondents identified were being female, medications they’ve used, living with an autoimmune condition, menopause, air quality and tobacco use.
Nearly a quarter of respondents have had other people reiterate the misconception that dry eye is “an old person’s disease.” While 78% of respondents were 60 or above, the condition is increasingly impacting younger individuals, potentially due to increased exposure to screens.
Another misconception, experienced by 23% of respondents, is that chronic dry eye is just about dryness. To somebody living with the condition, however, it is more complex. In addition to dryness, at least half of respondents said they had experienced the following symptoms during the previous month: foreign body sensation, eye fatigue, light sensitivity, blurred vision, a burning or scratchy sensation and itchy eyes. And respondents said they experienced seven symptoms a month on average.
“Misconceptions about a specific condition can have a truly negative impact on the patient journey because it can layer on top of physical symptoms and make people feel isolated and unvalidated,” said Olivier Chateau, co-founder and CEO of Health Union. “There is a huge opportunity for the healthcare industry to drive awareness around chronic dry eye to address many of these misconceptions. Meanwhile, ChronicDryEye.net can provide individuals with the validation and support they need, as well as valuable information to better explain their condition to others.”
The inaugural Chronic Dry Eye In America survey, fielded from Feb. 1 to Apr. 29, 2021, includes responses from 415 people diagnosed with chronic dry eye. Additional survey results may be available upon request, and more patient perspectives are explored at ChronicDryEye.net.
About Health Union
Health Union, with the recent acquisition of WEGO Health, maintains the largest team of experts, patient advocates and healthcare leaders dedicated to social health. The company encourages social interactions that evolve into valuable online health conversations, helping people with chronic conditions find the information, connection, and validation they seek. Health Union does this by creating condition-specific online communities – publishing original, daily content and continuously cultivating social conversation – to support, educate and connect millions of people with challenging, chronic health concerns. The Health Union family of brands includes 34 online health communities, including LungCancer.net, ParkinsonsDisease.net, MultipleSclerosis.net and Migraine.com.