What Happens When Patient Influencers Share Their Story?
Our network of 100,000+ patients and caregivers are health advocates, influencers, and content creators who tell powerful stories every day.
Our network of 100,000+ patients and caregivers are health advocates, influencers, and content creators who tell powerful stories every day.
For custom analysis services or to purchase syndicated research, contact the Health Union Insights team.
It’s this breadth and depth of Health Union communities that sets us apart. Ultimately, the richness of these on-site audience signals allows our team to build modeled audiences for programmatic.
Health Union has created a unique, compliant, and privacy-forward way to keep real patient needs as the central pillar of our Amplify+ audiences.
All health care professionals must be trained to understand and treat diverse communities’ unique experiences and challenges.
Online health conversations really do lead to offline health actions.
In order to execute accurate, dependable, and durable patient journey research, patient voices must serve as the foundation.
Health Union’s recently-evolved research programs help clients better understand both holistic and condition-specific patient journeys.
These two accomplished patient leaders combined their experiences and perspectives to explain how industry can integrate “patients from the start.”
Findings from Health Union’s surveys of its rare condition communities show one’s relationships and social life can take significant hits.