Living With Advanced Breast Cancer: Abigail J

After receiving a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer at the age of 38, Abigail Johnston has drastically changed her life to maximize her time with her family, optimize her health and well-being, and use her experience as a lawyer and advocate to help others with metastatic breast cancer and other advanced Stage IV cancers. Listen to her podcast interview on Living With to learn how she faces incredible health challenges with grace and determination.

Living With is a podcast by Health Union hosted by Emily Downward that explores what it’s like to live with a chronic condition. Contributors to Health Union communities share how they cope with trying symptoms and treatments, as well as how their daily lives are impacted by their health conditions. Their courage and resilience are inspiring, offering wisdom that transcends dealing with health issues and gives insight on how best to deal with any kind of challenge.

For further listening, check out Susan R’s episode of the Living With podcast on advanced and metastatic breast cancer.

You can subscribe to Living With through Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Blubrry, or on Spotify.

Living With
Living With Advanced Breast Cancer: Abigail J