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Living With RA: Kelly M

If you were to pass Kelly Mack on the street, you might not notice her – as she has said, she often struggles with being “seemingly invisible.” Kelly is a petite woman who zooms around on what she describes as a “hot-rod” wheelchair. And while that might be what you see, or choose not to see, she is so much more than just a person with a disability. It’s worth taking the time to get to know Kelly, as her relentless positivity and optimism while coping with a life-long chronic and painful condition are inspiring. Hear more about her experiences and story with rheumatoid arthritis in this podcast interview.

Living With is a podcast by Health Union that explores what it’s like to live with a chronic condition. Contributors to Health Union communities share how they cope with trying symptoms and treatments, as well as how their daily lives are impacted by their health conditions. Their courage and resilience offer wisdom that transcends dealing with health issues and gives insight on how best to deal with any kind of challenge.

For further listening, check out another episode of the Living With podcast on rheumatoid arthritis with Wren V.

You can subscribe to Living With through Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Blubrry, or on Spotify.

Living With
Living With RA: Kelly M