Weight Management Experiences Survey Now Available

Health Union’s newest syndicated research offering

Published Sept. 25, 2024 | 2 Minute Read

With over 4,000 respondents, Health Union’s newest syndicated research offering – the Weight Management Experiences Survey – will allow clients and partners to efficiently and cost-effectively answer key business questions directly from the patient point of view, including the opportunity for custom analysis to dig into specific subgroups of interest.

Specifically, the research can help you answer questions such as:

  • What types of stigma (or support) have people experienced—from family, friends, and healthcare providers?
  • How does being obese (or being overweight) fit within a person’s larger health story and health priorities?
  • What approaches (both prescription and non-prescription) are people using to help with weight management, and what challenges have they encountered along the way?
  • What is the unaided/aided awareness and usage of different weight loss medications, including different GLP-1 brands?
  • What are the experiences of current and past users of different types of GLP-1 medications?

This survey represents just one offering from among Health Union Insights’ suite of syndicated research, including high-level condition overviews, in-depth condition-focused surveys, and topic-focused surveys. Syndicated research deliverables include custom analysis opportunities and can be used to supplement other research—or delivered as stand-alone insights.

For custom analysis services or to purchase Weight Management Experiences Survey syndicated research, contact the Health Union Insights team via the form below.

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