Webinar Download: COVID-19 & Chronic Conditions

Discover the health attitudes and behaviors on COVID-19 from people living with chronic conditions in this webinar from Health Union researchers.

Lupus Patient-Reported Survey Data | 2020

Forty percent of people living with lupus have been initially misdiagnosed, according to new Health Union survey data from its online health community.

COVID-19 Shifts Telehealth Perception for People with Chronic Conditions

Health Union survey shows 48% of respondents living with chronic health conditions had or plan to have a telehealth appointment since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Concern for Coronavirus Among People with Chronic Conditions

New survey: “COVID-19 Consumer Attitudes and Health Behaviors” finds people living with chronic conditions feel greater risk during coronavirus pandemic.

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Advanced Breast Cancer Patient-Reported Survey Data | 2020

New Health Union survey data can help the healthcare industry better understand and reach people living with advanced breast cancer.

Hepatitis C Patient-Reported Survey Data | 2019

New Health Union survey data from hepatitis C patients help the healthcare industry better understand and reach people living with hepatitis C.

Exploring the Cancer Patient Journey on World Cancer Day and Every Day

Discover the journey of a cancer patient through patient-reported data and personal interviews outlining diagnosis, treatment, and remission.

Type 2 Diabetes Burnout: What Pharma Can Learn

Feelings of diabetes burnout can lead to issues with care management and treatment. Here’s what pharma can learn to help people manage type 2 diabetes.

Seronegative RA and Its Impact on Quality of Life

Survey data shows seronegative RA patients are more likely than those with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis to have been misdiagnosed.