Social Health: The Future of Healthcare Marketing

Social health—the digital means by which health consumers engage with each other and their health—has broad applications for the healthcare industry.

Understanding Adherence: 5 Questions for Patients

To understand the various factors that impact adherence, the following questions may create a more open line of communication between patients and HCPs.

Managing Multiple Sclerosis When the World Heats Up

Nearly three-fourths of Multiple Sclerosis In America 2020 survey respondents identified heat as a trigger for their MS symptoms.

Patient Insights: Drivers and Barriers to Specialist Care

For a number of reasons, people don’t always have access to the HCPs most attuned to their needs, which presents hurdles throughout their health journey.

Is Tech the Secret to Controlling Asthma Flare-Ups?

Survey findings suggest there are early adopters using tech to manage their asthma symptoms. Half of respondents are interested in using a digital inhaler.

3 Considerations for Pharma Brand Strategy Success

As the digital landscape evolves and third-party cookies disappear, keep the following considerations in mind for your pharma brand strategy.

Mitigating the Misdiagnosis Journey

Nearly half of IBD In America 2020 respondents living with Crohn’s disease said they were previously misdiagnosed during their diagnosis journey.

Continuity of Care in a Pandemic: Reflecting on the Rise of Telehealth

Survey results from Health Union show that telehealth use among people with chronic conditions has tripled since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Addressing Gaps As Telehealth Use Grows, Satisfaction Varies

At that time, 49% of respondents – all with chronic health conditions – had participated in a virtual visit with an HCP over the previous four months.

HU Heritage Series: Black History Month

In celebration of Black History Month, we’re proud to introduce the Health Union Heritage Series–interviews with team members highlighting diverse voices.